Welcome to the Melbourne Hernia Clinic
Australia’s first hernia clinic. Over 25,000 hernia operations. Devoted solely to hernia repair & abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).
(03) 9525 9077
Day Surgery
Over 90% of patients requiring surgery can go home the same day as their operation.

Mesh Reinforcement
The Melbourne Hernia Clinic introduced the “tension-free” method of repairing inguinal (groin) hernias, using mesh under Local Anaesthetic with sedation as a day-case. This remains the gold standard for hernia repairs today.
We are Australia’s first hernia clinic, and have performed over 22,000 hernia operations. Our surgeon Mr Charles Leinkram is experienced in both adult & paediatric hernia surgeries, and currently treats all types of hernias of the abdominal wall.

How quickly can i be seen?
You can usually be seen within one week.
Surgery can then be arranged within one to two weeks if needed. If the problem is urgent (for example strangulated or obstructed hernia) you would be seen on the same day and surgery arranged as necessary.
We are able to provide this prompt service because our practice is mainly confined to hernia surgery. As well we have several Surgeons available. Thus you can be fitted in with the Surgeon and listed hospital of your choice. This service applies to both insured and non-insured fee paying patients. WorkCare patients will need time to have their claim assessed.
Do I need a referral? Yes
The referral process has two aims in our opinion.
Your referring General Practitioner provides us usually with details about your medical condition, medication and an overview of your health. This is an advantage and does make our consultation easier. However these are not always provided and with every patient we need to go through all of the details to ensure appropriate management is undertaken. For example we need to know whether you are on blood thinning medication prior to surgery, have any allergies to medication or need antibiotics during surgery.
The referral allows you to claim back part of the medical fees. Without this referral you are unable to claim these back.
In Australia the system works so that the patient does not go directly to the Specialist but is seen by the General Practitioner to assess the necessity for Specialist referral.
We do have some patients who have problems getting a referral for a variety of reasons – such as in a remote area, not having a regular General Practitioner, waiting times etc.
We prefer you to have a referral from your regular General Practitioner. However we are able to suggest a General Practitioner in our area for you if necessary.
Why do you need an assistant?
The Assistant makes the operation easier for the Surgeon by pulling retractors and thus giving the Surgeon a better view of the operating field.
In addition he cuts sutures and will “follow” that is hold one end of the suturing. He allows the Surgeon to concentrate on doing the operation rather than having to try to move things around. There is a saying – many hands make light work – and it is the same in surgery. For a hernia operation it probably decreases the operating time by at least five or ten minutes.
How much does it cost?
There is a fee for the initial consultation, which is partially covered by Medicare – approximately 50%.
The fee for the surgery or operation depends on whether you are insured or non-insured.
These people have hospital cover and may be liable to pay a hospital excess depending on the type of insurance they have taken out. Most of our operations are as a day case, so the excess can be determined by contacting your health fund and asking for a day case excess fee. The types of item numbers we use are 30614, 30615, 30403 or 30405 depending on the type of hernia.
All the hospitals we operate in are approved hospitals and will obtain maximum cover including the cost of the mesh.
There is an out of pocket surgical fee, anaesthetic fee and an assistant’s fee. You will receive a quote for this if you phone 03 9525 9077 or email us. You need to identify the particular type of hernia you have. We may take into account particular circumstances such as pensioners. It is simplest to discuss all of these details at the first visit.
The health insurance you have taken out is really a hospital insurance and is not really a medical insurance. It is not in keeping with the real cost of providing a private surgical practice. We believe the fees we are charging are reasonable.
There is a fee for the initial consultation, which is partially covered by Medicare – approximately 50%.
When you call 03 9525 9077, you will be given an estimated cost depending on the type of hernia you have.
This covers the hospital for a day case, including the provision of the mesh. It also covers the Surgeons’ fee, Anaesthetists’ fee, and Assistants’ fee.
An allowance is made for Medicare, as the medical fees are partially refundable from Medicare to the tune of several hundred dollars.
The total fees are paid prior to surgery – usually with a credit card. You can then claim the Medicare rebate for the medical fees provided. We do take into consideration pensioners and disadvantaged. This can be raised at the time of consultation.
How do I make an appointment?
This can be made by telephone, fax or email, as you prefer.
The details are HERE on our Website.
Our main office can be contacted by calling 03 9525 9077
What happens at the first appointment?
You will be given a Registration Form to fill out with all your personal details.
You will also be given an Information Sheet to read regarding hernias in general, the possible risks of surgery and the post-operative care following surgery.
You will also be asked to fill out details regarding your medical history.
The Surgeon will introduce himself and will ask you to tell him about your hernia. He will then ask you a series of questions such as: how long you have had pain or swelling. He will want to know whether you have had any x-rays or ultrasounds,
blood tests and their results.
As well as identifying your hernia problem, the Surgeon will want to assess your general condition and fitness for surgery should it be required.
You will be asked to stand and be examined whilst standing and also on the couch whilst lying down. Both sides of the groin are examined. Your abdomen will be examined, as will all possible sites in the abdominal wall for a hernia. In men, the scrotal area is checked as hernias can descend into the scrotum. The testes are also checked.
You will be asked to cough and strain as this demonstrates the hernia better in most cases.
It is a Surgeon’s duty to assess all of this and balance the severity of the problem against any possible risks associated with the surgery. Hernia repair is usually a low risk operation but there are factors that require careful consideration. These will be discussed before any decision to operate is made.
Additional investigations are usually not required for the diagnosis of a hernia.
We see an increasing number of patients who come along with the diagnosis of a hernia who may in fact have other problems causing the pain or swelling. That is, not all lumps in the groin are hernias.
We do not always rely on the ultrasound to determine whether you have a hernia or not.
Other conditions which can cause pain in the groin region are, sporting related injuries such as adductor tendonitis, groin strain or osteitis pubis.
In addition there are other causes of pain in the groin such as osteoarthritis of the hip or referred pain from the back.
Other causes of a lump in the groin can be lymph nodes or even an abscess.
In a similar manner not all swellings in the scrotum are due to a hernia. Other common conditions are a hydrocele, epididymal cyst or varicocele.
These conditions can usually be diagnosed by taking your history and examining you with occasional other investigations.
We also always like to check your abdomen and bowels. Many patients with a groin hernia may get bowel symptoms such as abdominal pain or bloating due to the bowel being caught in the hernia. Nonetheless we cannot always assume this and need to assess further at times.
Masada Private Hospital (Open rooms)
Level 1, 26 Balaclava Road
Ph: + 61 3 9525 9077
Fax: + 61 3 9527 1519
Mitcham Hospital
23 Doncaster East Road
Ph: + 61 3 9525 9077
Fax: + 61 3 9527 1519
Sir John Monash Private Hospital
Level 1 Suite 14, 212-220 Clayton Road
Ph: + 61 3 9525 9077
Fax: + 61 3 9527 1519
40 The Avenue, Windsor VIC 3181 AUSTRALIA
Ph: + 61 3 9525 9077 Fax: + 61 3 9527 1519